Popular Essential Oils for Skincare: Lavender, Tea Tree, and Rosehip

Popular Essential Oils for Skincare: Lavender, Tea Tree, and Rosehip

It is not common knowledge that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. Unlike other vital organs, the skin is not protected by any external layer and is exposed directly to the tough conditions outside. Whether extreme sunlight, heat, dry winters, or pollution, your skin has to bear everything. This is why signs of aging are quite commonly demonstrated by people even in their 30s and 40s.

An easy solution for this is to include a good skincare routine. However, such a routine should not be based on chemical-based cosmetic products. It is suggested that the skin absorbs up to 60% of harmful chemicals in different cosmetics. This could lead to severe skin and health implications, starting with allergies and resulting in skin cancer.

So, what is the solution, then? You must include natural essential oils in the skincare routine that nourishes your skin and ensures that any side or negative effects of cosmetics are avoided. Essential oils, distilled from the heart of plants, flowers, and seeds, are not just fragrant but packed with many benefits for skin health. Each drop promises a potent solution to various skin concerns, from the calming lavender fields to the antiseptic wonders of tea trees and the rejuvenating powers of rosehip.

Essential Oils for Skincare


There are many examples of popular essential oils that one can include directly or through herbal products in the skincare routine. However, in this article, we will consider three very popular ones: Lavender, Tea Tree, and Rosehip. Let's understand these products' background, usage, and effect on your skincare routine.

Lavender Oil

Before discussing the benefits of lavender oil, it is important to mention the trends and usage of it in the country. You will be surprised to know that lavender oil is one of the most demanded skincare essentials worldwide, and India imported lavender oil worth $12.75 million from Sri Lanka in the previous year. The market demand for lavender oil (in India) is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5%, which could be attributed to the benefits that this product has, especially with respect to skincare.

Now, let's come back to the actual product, its usage, and benefits:

Historical Usage in India

Lavender Oil has been mentioned in several ancient Ayurvedic texts used in balms, salves, and infusions. Lavender's Sanskrit name, 'Dharu' is mentioned in several Ayurvedic texts, indicating its longstanding significance in Indian healing practices. Lavender oil has a prominent and significant place in Ayurveda; hence, its usage is quite common in Indian households and skincare routines and processes.

Lavender Oil for Skincare


Critical Skincare Benefits

One can include lavender oil as part of the routine for general skincare and medicinal effects. The most critical benefits are as follows:

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties:

    One of lavender oil's standout features is its ability to soothe inflamed skin. A dab of diluted lavender oil can help alleviate redness and discomfort, whether it's sunburn, minor rashes, or skin irritations.

  • Reducing Redness and Blemishes:

    Lavender essential oil can combat bacterial infections causing acne thanks to its antimicrobial properties. Regular application, when diluted, might help prevent zits and reduce the prominence of scars.

  • Soothing Properties:

    Beyond physical benefits, the calming scent of lavender can have a therapeutic effect on the mind. Incorporating it into your nighttime skincare routine can aid relaxation, ensuring a better beauty sleep.

It is, however, important to know how this could be used for the best effect. This is explained in the next part of the blog article.

General Usage Guide: Lavender Oil

  • Do not forget to dilute:

    Like most essential oils, it's crucial to dilute lavender oil before applying it directly to the skin. A common guideline is adding 2-3 drops of the essential oil to an ounce of carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba oil.

  • How to apply:

    For direct application, you can dab the diluted oil onto the affected area using a cotton ball (for medicinal purposes). Alternatively, consider adding a few drops to your regular moisturizer or face mask to incorporate lavender's benefits into your daily skincare regimen.

  • Mandatory Patch Test:

    Even though lavender oils are generally free from any side effects, it is recommended to carry out a patch test before fully integrating lavender oil or any essential oil into your skincare routine. This will ensure you don't have any adverse reactions.

Tea Tree and Rosehip Essential Oils

Tea tree essential oil is another critical and popular essential oil used for medicinal and skincare routines. As per Statista Report, around 36% of the total market share (essential oils) is dominated by Tea Tree. The reason for the popularity of this essential oil has to be attributed to its medicinal effects and easy availability. In India, the usage (and industry) has been growing at a steady pace of 5.94% CAGR.

Tea Tree Oil for Skincare


Often touted as the go-to remedy for acne-prone skin, its vast and versatile benefits make it a staple in numerous skincare products. Here is us telling about the historical usage in India:

Historical Usage in India

The overall usage of tea tree essential oil in India is quite recent compared to other essential oils, as this is not a native Indian crop product. It wasn't until the early 20th century that tea tree oil began to gain international acclaim. As its benefits became widely recognized, the oil entered Indian households and Ayurvedic treatments, seamlessly blending with India's rich tradition of herbal remedies.

Critical Skincare Benefits

As the essential oils have blended with herbal Indian remedies, it has been observed that Tea Tree has the following skin-related advantages:

  • Antibacterial Properties:Tea tree oil stands out in skincare primarily due to its potent antibacterial properties. It can combat many bacteria and microbes, reducing the chances of acne breakouts.
  • Acne Prevention and Treatment: As mentioned before, the oil's ability to unclog pores and act as a natural antiseptic makes it an effective acne treatment. Regularly applying diluted tea tree oil can keep the skin clear and reduce the severity of blemishes.
  • Treatment of Fungal Infections: Beyond acne, tea tree oil is effective against certain fungal infections like athlete's foot. Its antifungal properties make it a natural remedy for various skin conditions.

General Usage Guide: Tea Tree Essential Oil

Even though it is commonly used, you must understand how to use it for the best outcomes. Here are some points to remember:

  • Don't forget to dilute: Please remember that the direct application of tea tree oil can be harsh on the skin. It's recommended to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as almond or olive oil, maintaining a ratio of 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to an ounce of the carrier oil.
  • How to apply: For targeted treatment, apply the diluted oil using a cotton swab on blemishes or affected areas. As a preventive measure, consider mixing a few drops with your daily face wash or moisturizer.
  • Don't forget to patch test: As with all essential oils, a patch test is crucial. Apply a small amount of the diluted oil on the inner wrist or behind the ear to check for any adverse reactions over 24 hours.

Rosehip Essential Oil

Let's consider the third important essential oil that we will elaborate on in this article. Derived from the seeds of the wild rose bush predominantly found in Chile, rosehip oil, often referred to as rosehip seed oil, is a beauty secret that dates back to ancient civilizations. Rosehip oil has become a skincare elixir in many regimes due to its rejuvenating properties and rich nutrient content.

Historical Usage in India

The benefits of rosehip have been celebrated for centuries, with records of its use spanning ancient Egypt, the Mayan Empire, and Victorian England. As the world became more interconnected, rosehip oil found its way into the tapestry of Indian skincare, blending harmoniously with the Indian subcontinent's holistic approach to beauty and wellness.

Critical Skincare Benefits

Vitamin-rich Properties: Rosehip oil stands out for its high vitamin content. Packed with vitamins A, C, and E, it promotes skin regeneration, collagen production, and hydration.

  • Anti-aging Benefits: The antioxidants in rosehip oil combat free radicals that cause aging. Regular use can reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, giving the skin a youthful glow.
  • Moisturizing and Scar Reduction: Its essential fatty acids, including omega-3, 6, and 9, ensure deep hydration. Additionally, rosehip oil has been hailed for its ability to reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation, making the skin texture smoother and more even-toned.

General Usage Guide: Rosehip Essential Oil

If you are trying rosehip essential oil for the first time or need a general guide to find out how it should be used ideally, here are a few points to ponder:

  • Dilution is important: While rosehip oil can be used directly on the skin, if you have sensitive skin or if it's your first time using it, you may want to mix it with a carrier oil or a regular moisturizer to ensure compatibility.
  • Know how to apply: For facial use, warm a few drops between your palms and press gently onto cleansed skin, ensuring it's evenly spread. It can also be incorporated into face masks, serums, or as a moisturizing agent for chapped lips.
  • Patch Test: As a precaution, especially for those new to rosehip oil, conduct a patch test on a discreet skin area. This ensures you gauge your skin's reaction to the oil before full-scale use.

Summing up

In the vast realm of skincare, Lavender, Tea Tree, and Rosehip essential oils emerge as natural champions, each bearing a legacy of healing and rejuvenation. With their distinct properties, these oils offer holistic solutions for varied skin concerns. However, navigating the world of essential oils can sometimes feel overwhelming. If you're unsure about direct application, a safe bet is to lean on products crafted by the most trusted brands. These products incorporate essential oils in optimal proportions, ensuring efficacy without compromising safety. By understanding and embracing these botanical wonders, you're not just nourishing your skin but honouring age-old wisdom.